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Divine Love

There is One Love, One Life, One God. Divine Love is present everywhere and at all times.

My heart is filled with this One Love. I am an expression of this one God.

Though I am an imperfect vessel as a human being, I still have within me the Divine Love that is what God is. I am made by and through the creative force that is God. I allow now, today, and every day for my soul, my thoughts, my mind, my spirit, my emotions, my psyche, my heart, my body, my everything to be acted upon by this Divine Love and gratefully receive all the health and wholeness that is possible as a result of this Divine Love flooding me over. I choose today to look with loving eyes upon every person I see. I choose today to speak with a loving tongue to every person and situation that enters my consciousness. I choose to share the Divine Love that is freely given to me and all others and I see it shine forth in every person now.

I ask and receive Divine Wholeness, knowing that all is healed and complete in God's eyes. I ask for every part of me to be washed clean and new, my heart, my lungs, my mind, my soul to be free of all that is unlike God and to shine forth that which is of the highest and best.  I believe in the transcendence of conditions and know that with God all things are possible. I trust God to make me whole as I am meant to be. I trust God to set my feet upon the correct path, to guide me, and to keep me whole and well in all things. I walk each day in forgiveness of myself and others knowing that in releasing the past I am allowing room for more Divine Love to fill me and expand my life. I am open to loving kindness and goodness. I forgive easily and I accept forgiveness from others easily. I let go. I let God. All my flaws and worries I now give over to Divine Love, knowing that wholeness is the Truth of me and each person. I continue to strive to express more of this daily.

I am grateful for Grace. I am grateful for unconditional love. I am grateful for God's Divine Love and Wholeness for me now.

I release these Words into the Law, knowing they already are and now allow them to show forth. And so it is. Amen.

(c) 2016 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

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