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The Divine is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It is always providing resources. It is always providing guidance. It is the great Mystery of life that is unknowable yet completely known.

Within me, as me and working through me the Divine is present--as it is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, it must be within me and within all others. The still small voice is always whispering hints to me and guidance if I have ears to hear.

Today I claim and look for synchronicity in my life knowing that they are guideposts for me in my journey. God winks at me and lets me know when I am on the correct path through synchronous events and activity.  If a book falls into my path, I will read it. I will pay attention today to the guidance I receive, no matter how mysterious it may appear. I will be open to the chances of the Cosmos to reveal to me just a hint of the brilliance of Life and the blueprint for me. I am now open to receive synchronicity and God winks knowing that they are brought to me to help me make wise choices, to take action where it is for my highest good, and to be the most loving, the most forgiving, the most creative that I can be today.  I am aware of the mystery though I do not understand all of the mystery. I am open to receive my Divine Guidance today and every day.

With gratitude I move through my day in awareness. I am grateful for my life and beating heart. I am grateful for my mind and choices. I am grateful for the mystery and synchronicity that bring me ever closer to my hearts true desires.

I release these Words into the Law of Life knowing that they are received and already in action on my behalf. And so it is. Amen.

(c) 2017 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

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