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There is One Life, One Energy, One Source of All That Is and in All That Is. This Flow is ever moving and energetic. This Source is the energy that enlivens all creation and is everywhere and every when at once. Flow is the natural state of Life.

I am in the Flow. I move and breathe and have my being because this energy is in, as and through me now. I move with the Flow and allow myself to relax into the patterns of life now. I am alive and energetic and I now go with the Flow.  I allow the Flow to wash over and around me. I allow the Flow to wash through me and make me new today.

I claim here and now for myself and all others that Life's Flow is gentle and supportive.  Like the amniotic fluid that cushions an embryo before birth, there is an invisible yet ever present flow that cushions and supports my life in all things. I know that Life is not static. It moves, changes and alters course. I have a choice to relax into the flow and move easily along as it moves, changes and alters course.  I allow myself to breath easily knowing that I am always supported, always provided for in every way, and always moving exactly when, where and how I need to be. I allow myself to be supported by Life, trusting with total faith and complete conviction that I am always provided as God is my Source and my Supply. Like a seagull gliding gracefully in the air, I know that I am supported and in the flow. I know that clenching and fear make the journey more difficult and does not allow the flow to move in and as me, so I breathe deep, I trust, I feel that loving presence of God all around me and witness it in every manifestation before me and as me. I let myself flow naturally as the energy of God in action now. I am convinced of my flow. I live with conviction that I am always provided and am safe in the Flow now.

I am grateful for the teachings that have brought me to a place of understanding my Oneness. I am grateful for the never ending support of the One Source and for being a part of the flow. I am grateful for my complete faith and conviction that all is well and very well and I am grateful to know that God is for me, supporting me, providing to me and breathing through me in flow.

I release these words now into the Law and the flow, knowing that they are upheld and made manifest immediately on my behalf. And so it is. Amen.

(c) 2016 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.

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