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Right now I know that there is only One thing happening in all of existence and that is Life, the Divine Spark expressing and experiencing itself as all manifestations. It is everywhere and every when present and expanding. It is the stars and the cosmos. It is the blades of grass and grains of sand. It is me, you and everyone. It is here, now and every when.

I am present here and now, alive, awake and aware of my Oneness with all of Life. I look at the stars and know that though I see them, some of them have already expanded to the point where their light exploded and they are now some other form of energy, though to me, they appear to still be present now.

I know here and now for myself and all others that Time is not a Universal Truth but a tool which we humans have created to assist us in living our life on this plane of existence. I know that though we utilize time segments and increments to help us organize our world, the Truth is that there is no time. All things are occurring at once in every possible scenario and expression. As a human, wrapping my mind around this concept is a challenge. Yet when I look at the situations in my life today that are mine to experience and explore, I know that I can take different perspectives.  I can view any challenge using time to help me put it into perspective.  Will this challenge matter in five minutes? Will it matter in 5 days? Will it matter in 5 years? How about in 500 or
5000 years? What about in 5 million years?  Timelessness is a gift we receive when we suspend our thinking mind in meditation or when we are fully present and aware of whatever it is we are engaged in. Timelessness is peace. It is calm. It is pure awareness.  I know here and now that each person can suspend their sense of time to move into the zone of timelessness.  This timeless experience is joyous and completely restores health and vitality. I embrace the timeless right now for now is all I have. I choose timeless calm and peace now. I choose to be present, awake and aware now. It is the only time I have.

I am grateful for knowing how to move into the timeless and for my ability and willingness to experience timelessness. I am grateful for the feeling of joyous release that comes with the experience of timelessness. I am grateful for this now moment where I am present. I am grateful for my daily practise of the present.

I release these Words, knowing that they are compelled by Law to matter and manifest. And so it is. Amen.

(c) 2016 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

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