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As I move deeply into prayer today I know that it is in the Silence that I commune most easily with God. Prayer is the spiritual connective tissue that holds all creation in manifestation and it matters. I pray with complete conviction that the Word, which is God itself spoken and written, moves and is the most Powerful Force of all.

I am the pray-er and within me is the prayer.  I deliberately choose words that are in alignment with the characteristics of God. I pray Peace. I pray Love. I pray Light. I pray Wholeness. I pray Wisdom. I pray Prosperity. I pray Joy. I pray Goodness. I pray Kindness. I pray Oneness.

For myself and all others I now claim a complete and activated prayer of Life. Within that prayer, I know that all the human "stuff" that is not God must fall away completely without any further energy because it never was truly enlivened with Life Force. I allow fear, worry, anxiety, attacks, victimness, perpetratorhood or savior ideas, blame, and guilt-inducing treatment, words and thinking to drop away from me like a stone in water, disappearing into native nothingness. I now refuse and repel manipulative actions meant to bring me low and I repel all manipulators who are attempting to muck in my world or creation. I know what I Am to work on, where I Am to accept healing and I choose it now and take action for that good now.  I Am that I Am.

I open myself to the Cosmic energy of Light through prayer, song, meditation and creative actions. I now choose and claim for myself wisdom and right action. I now choose and claim for myself action that is anchored in Love and Light. I now choose and claim for myself the acceptance of Wholeness and Peace. I know my True Self is Light, Love, Joy, Peace, Creativity, Happiness, Goodness and Kindness. I know my True Self is Playfulness, Freedom, Prosperity and Oneness. I do not answer to any other save my self and God. I remember now the Joyous, Light-filled and Happy child of God that I Am. Whatever false beliefs that others may hold about me, I know is a mirror of themselves. I focus on what I am to do, on the highest and best that I am to be, on the tasks and activities that I am called forth to bring to this world.  I forgive myself and I forgive all others for any false beliefs, words or actions and I move forward in Life.

Where ever my energy is repelled, I remove myself from it knowing that I am guided to be of service where my gifts and talents are genuinely useful, valued and appreciated.  I know myself to be Loved, Lovable and Loving. I know myself to be Valued and Valuable. I do not look to outside sources for my validation as I know that I already have the stamp of approval from the Only Source that matters, God the Good, Omnipotent.  I turn away from wrong thinking and wrong doing. I turn away from those who live and move from a place of lack, anger, pain, and darkness and even as I do so, I pray that they are open to receive the Truth of the wholeness I see within them, the pure potentiality and the highest and best they also can be. I call upon the wise Prayer of St. Francis which has always informed my life and been my daily prayer now--asking especially that where there is hatred, bring love and where there is darkness let there be light.

I move away from any and every situation that is not of the Light knowing that dwelling in darkness and focusing energy on pain and anger is a recipe for creating more of the same. I choose to dwell in the Light and Love of God now. I turn away from the condition knowing that I have the right and God's expectation to choose the best for my self. I do not focus on effects. I focus my attention and creative energy on the good that I give to the world and my God given calling which none has any authority from which to interfere.  I remove myself from ideas, actions, people and environments that are hostile, fed with anger and loathing, and unwilling to see or live in the Light. I know my path is my own and I happily and joyfully move forward utilizing the tools and knowledge that I have received to accept wholeness within myself. I am the Light.

My prayer is for all to choose to move from self-hatred and insecurities to a place of knowing their Oneness with All That Is and their own unlimited goodness. My prayer is for all to choose to embrace a life of Joy, Abundance of all good, Lightness and positive Creativity. My prayer is that I now release and root out any seeds of self-doubt that have been planted through ugly words and hate filled attacks by those who choose to dwell in the dark. I know who I Am. I know Whose I Am.  Right here and right now, I deliberately ask "What do I want?"  And I deliberately choose to put my energy, attention, actions and Life into the positive answers I receive. I know that none of us, despite what outer appearances and human social sciences may claim, are broken. I know the Truth that none of us need fixing. Rather I know that all people have the same right I do to choose anew and look to the light and love of Source. We each have the right to have our past transmuted and transformed with ease in a flash because God is all powerful and transformation is available to all immediately. I choose to see the face of God in every man, woman and child I encounter.  I choose now to see the best, lightest and good for each person I now, have ever or will ever encounter. I say Namaste because I bow to the God Light I see within. I know it is there and I choose to honor it and see it, no matter what outside, human psyche may be choosing to show to the world.

I am grateful for all of the wise counsel I receive from all sources, knowing that is all from the One Source. I am grateful for the freedom to choose anew what I want and to move back to that highest and best place of I Am. I am grateful to release the human burdens and pains and I happily give them to God to transmute and transform them in myself and all people.  I am grateful to know Truth and to have the many teachings which I practice and apply regularly and daily to uphold me and others in the Light and Love of God.  I am grateful for prayer and answered prayer.

I release these Words now into the Law, knowing that God acts upon them immediately, empowering them and moving them now into manifestation as I fully and completely believe and have faith that it is done. And so it is. Amen.

(c) 2016 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. All photographs are courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

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